2017-11-27, 03:28 AM
Just resent it but again the sent folder is empty???
2017-11-27, 03:28 AM
Just resent it but again the sent folder is empty???
2017-11-27, 04:06 AM
Yep - thanks, got it. Will check.
2017-11-27, 05:36 AM
I've replied via PM
2017-11-28, 12:09 AM
It looks like C:\Users\snait\Documents\channels-Other.xml doesn't exist, or it didn't exist at the time you did this import.
Also, this isn't a great plays for this file to live, since the recording service runs as a different user account, so probably wont be able to access that file name when the overnight EPG update happens.
2017-11-28, 01:17 AM
The original EPG xml file is located here,,,C:\Users\snait\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata\addon_data/plugin.video.VADER/VADER_xmltv.xml.gz but since its a compressed file, I decompressed it and renamed it to channels-Other.xml in my documents folder not know if NPVR would be able to extrapolate the data from a gz file. I did move it to another folder but can't recall if that was before or after pressing Update EPG. The log I am now sending is the current log after I made sure the file is getting pointed to correctly in the path.
Now in Kodi this is exactly how it is setup and I experience no issues with viewing the media files, just recording the shows I want to record. In your second statement you say this isn't a good place for the file to be located so do you have any suggestions on where/how to populate the correct folders? This is my process for setting this up is it correct? 1. Under devices where my source device is identified I click on device setup 2. In IPTV settings I click on import then enter my URL (which you have) 3. In XMLTV area I enter the following C:\Users\snait\Documents\Vader\channels-Other.xml then hit ok which populates IPTV settings page 4. Click ok on IPTV settings page which then asks if I want to do an EPG update to which I click on yes 5. Looking at the channels page I see that no data is listed (mapped) under the "EPG" heading so I select a couple then click on details and add the path C:\Users\snait\Documents\Vader\channels-Other.xml and the EPG source (XMLTV)
2017-11-28, 02:19 AM
Quote:Unexpected error updating EPG: System.Xml.XmlException: Root element is missing.I'm pretty sure that channels-other.xml is not a valid xmltv file. Can you supply that file so I can check it? If it's too big to attach, just put it somewhere like onedrive or dropbox, and let me know the download link.
2017-11-28, 02:23 AM
Quote:This is my process for setting this up is it correct?Generally correct - when you click Import on the IPTV screen, you enter the m3u and xmltv urls, hit ok, when prompted to update epg, hit yes, and that would typically be all you'd need to do. (as shown in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSUuwXLGSY8). You wouldn't generally have to do your step 5, assuming the IPTV provider has made sure the xmltv channel ids match those in the m3u, which they normally would). In your case, this 'root element is missing' error makes me think there is something wrong with that xmltv file you're trying to feed to NextPVR.
2017-11-28, 03:27 AM
Thanks for the info and assist. The original xml file as previously indicated was set in a .gz file so I decompressed it and it created a p2.xml which I imported to NPVR then exported it to the default file channels-Other.xml which is vastly smaller in size compared to the original. Original=33746kb new file=339kb. So I would assume (mistake?) that the resulting exported file would be in the correct format but I really don't know. So here are both for you to examine. TIA mate.
I will pm u the link
2017-11-28, 03:28 PM
PM sent with link