Any one got any ideas, when I schedule a recording within the next hour or 2 it all works fine, anything longer than that and it just says recording failed. I keep Npvr open and have set my pc not to sleep.
mdw402 Wrote:Any one got any ideas, when I schedule a recording within the next hour or 2 it all works fine, anything longer than that and it just says recording failed. I keep Npvr open and have set my pc not to sleep.
What else does it say, other than 'failed'?
Reproduce the problem, then zip and attach the logs and we'll talk a look.
Your PC did not wake from sleep at 22:57 for recording (or earlier for the EPG update) even though NextPVR scheduled the wake events. You need to fix sleep in your BIOS and windows. You posted you have it disabled, NextPVR sees it resuming so maybe it is a manal sleep from Start.
2018-11-05 19:20:22.755 [DEBUG][8] Requesting wake up for 'RecordingOID889' at 05/11/2018 22:57
2018-11-05 19:20:22.755 [DEBUG][8] Requesting wake up for 'RecordingOID890-backup' at 05/11/2018 23:28
2018-11-05 19:20:22.755 [DEBUG][8] Requesting wake up for 'RecordingOID890' at 05/11/2018 23:27
2018-11-06 19:03:24.515 [DEBUG][9] Pre EPG Update
2018-11-06 19:03:24.520 [DEBUG][8] Marking recording (889) as 'Recording service not running at recording time'
2018-11-06 19:03:28.083 [DEBUG][51] Resuming...
2018-11-06 19:03:28.392 [DEBUG][8] Marking recording (890) as 'Recording service not running at recording time'
2018-11-06 19:03:28.522 [DEBUG][6] cycling MVP servers
2018-11-06 19:03:28.783 [DEBUG][8] Recording service noted the system was resuming...