what went wrong, why he didnt done the recording ?
Yesterday he didnt woke up overall to do the recording, i restartet the
machine, `coz it was about 2 weeks only in standby ...
Maybe a hint :
The subtitle yesterday and today were exactly the same, today it was the
second part of it, but no #2 or anything in the name.
what went wrong, why he didnt done the recording ?
Yesterday he didnt woke up overall to do the recording, i restartet the
machine, `coz it was about 2 weeks only in standby ...
Maybe a hint :
The subtitle yesterday and today were exactly the same, today it was the
second part of it, but no #2 or anything in the name.
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:08.175 INFO [4] GB-PVR Recording Service starting
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:08.485 VERBOSE [4] installDirectory is C:\Programme\devnz\gbpvr\
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:08.485 VERBOSE [4] configurationFile is C:\Programme\devnz\gbpvr\config.xml
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:08.586 VERBOSE [4] getValue() loading new key/value into cache: /settings/DatabaseConnectionString
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:08.586 VERBOSE [4] getValue: /settings/DatabaseConnectionString : Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=".\gbpvr.mdb";User Id=admin;Password=
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:08.586 VERBOSE [4] databaseConnectionString is Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="C:\Programme\devnz\gbpvr\\gbpvr.mdb";User Id=admin;Password=
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:08.586 VERBOSE [4] getValue() loading new key/value into cache: /settings/DontAntiAlias
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:08.586 VERBOSE [4] getValue: /settings/DontAntiAlias : false
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:08.586 VERBOSE [4] getValue() loading new key/value into cache: /settings/LoggingLevel
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:08.586 VERBOSE [4] getValue: /settings/LoggingLevel : Debug
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:09.998 VERBOSE [4] Found recording source plugin: SoftwareRecorder in: C:\Programme\devnz\gbpvr\\plugins\SoftwareRecorder.dll
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:11.259 VERBOSE [4] getDatabaseConnection() creating new connection
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:12.381 VERBOSE [4] Loading DirectRecordingSource Configuration : 1
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:12.952 VERBOSE [4] Loading DirectRecordingSource Configuration : 2
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.132 VERBOSE [4] getValue() loading new key/value into cache: /settings/ForceHighPriorityRecordingService
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.132 VERBOSE [4] getValue: /settings/ForceHighPriorityRecordingService : false
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.202 INFO [4] Starting remoting service
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.352 VERBOSE [29] getValue() loading new key/value into cache: /settings/PreShowPadding
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.352 VERBOSE [29] getValue: /settings/PreShowPadding : 2
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.352 VERBOSE [29] getValue() loading new key/value into cache: /settings/PostShowPadding
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.352 VERBOSE [29] getValue: /settings/PostShowPadding : 2
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.352 VERBOSE [29] getValue() loading new key/value into cache: /settings/AutoCreateFolders
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.352 VERBOSE [29] getValue: /settings/AutoCreateFolders : true
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.352 VERBOSE [29] getValue() loading new key/value into cache: /settings/RecordingsDirectory
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.352 VERBOSE [29] getValue: /settings/RecordingsDirectory : D:\Eigene Dateien\DVB-T TV\TV Capture
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.352 VERBOSE [29] RecordingFactory.loadSchedule()
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.352 VERBOSE [29] getValue() loading new key/value into cache: /settings/AutoRemoveMissingRecordings
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.352 VERBOSE [29] getValue: /settings/AutoRemoveMissingRecordings : true
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.352 VERBOSE [29] Purging any stale logically deleted recordings
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.723 VERBOSE [29] getDatabaseConnection() creating new connection
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.743 VERBOSE [29] checking pending recordings
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.743 VERBOSE [29] - checking D:\Eigene Dateien\DVB-T TV\TV Capture\Galaxy Quest - Planlos durchs Weltall\Galaxy Quest - Planlos durchs Weltall_20050903_20152215.mpg
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.743 VERBOSE [29] - checking D:\Eigene Dateien\DVB-T TV\TV Capture\Der Pakt der Wölfe\Der Pakt der Wölfe_20050909_20152300.mpg
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.743 VERBOSE [29] - checking Star Trek: Raumschiff Voyager
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.743 VERBOSE [29] - checking Stargate
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.743 VERBOSE [29] - checking Alarm für Cobra 11
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.743 VERBOSE [29] - checking D:\Eigene Dateien\DVB-T TV\TV Capture\Chameleon III\Chameleon III_20051015_00000130.mpg
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.743 VERBOSE [29] - checking D:\Eigene Dateien\DVB-T TV\TV Capture\Pest - Die Rückkehr\Pest - Die Rückkehr_20051022_20152205.mpg
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.743 VERBOSE [29] - checking D:\Eigene Dateien\DVB-T TV\TV Capture\Trucks\Trucks_20051022_23050055.mpg
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.743 VERBOSE [29] - checking D:\Eigene Dateien\DVB-T TV\TV Capture\Pest - Die Rückkehr\Pest - Die Rückkehr_20051023_20152205.mpg
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.743 VERBOSE [29] - checking Star Trek: Raumschiff Voyager
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.743 VERBOSE [29] pending: Star Trek: Raumschiff Voyager
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.743 VERBOSE [29] - checking Stargate
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.743 VERBOSE [29] pending: Stargate
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.743 VERBOSE [29] - checking Star Trek: Raumschiff Voyager
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.743 VERBOSE [29] pending: Star Trek: Raumschiff Voyager
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.743 VERBOSE [29] - checking Star Trek: Raumschiff Voyager
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.743 VERBOSE [29] pending: Star Trek: Raumschiff Voyager
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.743 VERBOSE [29] - checking Star Trek: Raumschiff Voyager
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:13.743 VERBOSE [29] pending: Star Trek: Raumschiff Voyager
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:14.374 VERBOSE [4] getValue() loading new key/value into cache: /settings/WebServerEnabled
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:14.374 VERBOSE [4] getValue: /settings/WebServerEnabled : false
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:14.374 VERBOSE [4] getValue() loading new key/value into cache: /settings/MVPServerAutostart
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:14.374 VERBOSE [4] getValue: /settings/MVPServerAutostart : 0
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:14.374 VERBOSE [4] getValue() loading new key/value into cache: /settings/UpdateEPGHour
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:14.374 VERBOSE [4] getValue: /settings/UpdateEPGHour :
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:14.444 VERBOSE [4] getValue() loading new key/value into cache: /settings/AutoConvertDvrmsToFormat
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:14.444 VERBOSE [4] getValue: /settings/AutoConvertDvrmsToFormat : No Conversion
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:14.444 VERBOSE [4] getValue() loading new key/value into cache: /settings/AutoConvertMpgToFormat
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:14.444 VERBOSE [4] getValue: /settings/AutoConvertMpgToFormat : No Conversion
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:14.444 VERBOSE [4] No conversions configured. Not starting conversion thread...
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:21:17.538 INFO [45] LiveTV File Removal Thread Started
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:23:00.316 INFO [29] Found new programme requiring recording: Star Trek: Raumschiff Voyager
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:23:00.356 VERBOSE [29] Changing to channel (GBPVR.Backend.Common.NullTunerController): 5
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:23:00.396 VERBOSE [29] Requesting IRecordingSource to start recording: D:\Eigene Dateien\DVB-T TV\TV Capture\Star Trek Raumschiff Voyager\Star Trek Raumschiff Voyager_20051026_17251825.mpg
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:23:00.426 VERBOSE [29] BDARecordingSource about to start recording oid:1 channel:T:C49,698000,0,0,8~P:16394~V:161~A:162~PMT:160~TXT:167~N:>KABEL1
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:23:03.060 VERBOSE [29] Programme is now recording
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:23:03.090 VERBOSE [29] RecordingFactory.save()
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:23:03.150 VERBOSE [29] Save(): Updated existing scheduled recording
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:23:03.150 VERBOSE [29] getValue() loading new key/value into cache: /settings/ProcessCommercialsDuringRecording
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:23:03.150 VERBOSE [29] getValue: /settings/ProcessCommercialsDuringRecording : false
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:23:03.150 VERBOSE [29] Adding D:\Eigene Dateien\DVB-T TV\TV Capture\Star Trek Raumschiff Voyager\Star Trek Raumschiff Voyager_20051026_17251825.mpg to parallel processing queue
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:23:03.160 VERBOSE [29] RecordingFactory.getExtrasForGroup(1)
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:23:03.160 VERBOSE [73] getValue() loading new key/value into cache: /settings/CommercialDetectionScheme
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:23:03.160 VERBOSE [73] getValue: /settings/CommercialDetectionScheme : 1
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:23:03.160 INFO [73] Parallel Processing thread starting...
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:23:03.170 VERBOSE [29] ScheduledRecording is configured to keep a maximum of 7 file(s). Checking if we have too many...
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 17:23:03.180 VERBOSE [29] RecordingFactory.loadSchedule()
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 18:53:54.530 ERROR [29] Found expired lease. Stopping recording.
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 18:53:54.530 VERBOSE [29] Received request to stop livetv: 1
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 18:53:54.530 VERBOSE [29] Recording has passed endtime+padding. Stopping.
Mittwoch - 26.10.2005 18:53:54.530 VERBOSE [29] Stopping recording oid:1