Snap folder pics and show pics with just a batch file..
Using just ffmpeg and sqlite3.exe to access the database 'last watched position' to grab full resolution pics for display in gbpvr video library..
Works with MVP also.
You can pick the time of snap by watching the show and stopping where you want the snap to come from...![Smile Smile](
[i thought i posted it already but can't find it anywhere]
oops: forgot to mention it requires sqlite3.exe to be in gbpvr\
Individual show snaps
this is a batch file to be named snap.bat and placed in gbpvr\third party\
and add this to your config in custom ffmpeg conversions..
to use just play the file to the point you want a snap and stop..then go into video library and select file and hit [transcode] and select "Create snapshot for show." profile and hit go..![Smile Smile](
Series/Folder snaps
change the "%~dpn1.jpg" in batch file to "%~dp1folder.jpg" to cover a whole series with one pic...
eg: for folder snaps, save as snapf.bat
Remember to use the blue button in video library to change views easily..
i may make an installer for this if need be/requested..Enjoy!
PAL users:
change the sizes to 720x576 and you should be cool..
aspect ratios may be able to be removed entirely..[autosense] for odd sized movies..
sqlite3.exe for those of you who don't have it already:
Using just ffmpeg and sqlite3.exe to access the database 'last watched position' to grab full resolution pics for display in gbpvr video library..
Works with MVP also.
You can pick the time of snap by watching the show and stopping where you want the snap to come from...
![Smile Smile](
[i thought i posted it already but can't find it anywhere]
oops: forgot to mention it requires sqlite3.exe to be in gbpvr\
Individual show snaps
this is a batch file to be named snap.bat and placed in gbpvr\third party\
@echo off
cd third party
set db=..\GBPVR.DB3
for /f "usebackq tokens=1,2 delims=, " %%v in (`..\sqlite3 -separator ": " "%db%" "SELECT last_position FROM PLAYBACK_POSITION where filename like '%%%~n1%%'; " `) do if "%%v" NEQ "" @set seconds=%%v
ffmpeg\ffmpeg -aspect 4:3 -y -an -ss %seconds% -aspect 4:3 -vframes 1 -i "%~1" -f image2 -aspect 4:3 -an -s 720x480 "%~dpn1.jpg"
and add this to your config in custom ffmpeg conversions..
<Conversion name="Create snapshot for show." exe="snap.bat" cmd=" {SOURCE_FILE} " targetExtension=".mpg" />
to use just play the file to the point you want a snap and stop..then go into video library and select file and hit [transcode] and select "Create snapshot for show." profile and hit go..
![Smile Smile](
Series/Folder snaps
change the "%~dpn1.jpg" in batch file to "%~dp1folder.jpg" to cover a whole series with one pic...
eg: for folder snaps, save as snapf.bat
@echo off
cd third party
set db=..\GBPVR.DB3
for /f "usebackq tokens=1,2 delims=, " %%v in (`..\sqlite3 -separator ": " "%db%" "SELECT last_position FROM PLAYBACK_POSITION where filename like '%%%~n1%%'; " `) do if "%%v" NEQ "" @set seconds=%%v
ffmpeg\ffmpeg -aspect 4:3 -y -an -ss %seconds% -aspect 4:3 -vframes 1 -i "%~1" -f image2 -aspect 4:3 -an -s 720x480 "%~dp1folder.jpg"
<Conversion name="Create snapshot for series/folder." exe="snapf.bat" cmd=" {SOURCE_FILE} " targetExtension=".mpg" />
Remember to use the blue button in video library to change views easily..
i may make an installer for this if need be/requested..Enjoy!
PAL users:
change the sizes to 720x576 and you should be cool..
aspect ratios may be able to be removed entirely..[autosense] for odd sized movies..
sqlite3.exe for those of you who don't have it already:
Hardware: HDHR Prime, HDPVR 1212, Raspberry pi2, VFD display w/LCDSmartie