2007-10-16, 06:20 PM
This just started happening a night or two ago: when I'm watching animation on live tv, there are these little pauses once in a while. They don't seem to happen to recordings, and if I rewind, they are there, too.
I watch TV in timeshift, but live/record qualities are the same. I have tired moving the live tv to another drive and lowering the bit rate, but they don't help. Nothing is in the windows logs to explain it. It could be happening during regular shows, but I haven't seen it (even on news shows w/ a crawl).
Could you look at these logs and see if anything stands out. It happened like 3-5 times betweer 1:47-1:48 in these logs.
I haven't changed anything on the system recently at all (no new apps, plugins, drivers, etc). The only other thing I notced recently was once in a while the remote was becoming unresonsive to GB (the 150 IR commands...but not to the UIRT I use for vol/tv power).
I watch TV in timeshift, but live/record qualities are the same. I have tired moving the live tv to another drive and lowering the bit rate, but they don't help. Nothing is in the windows logs to explain it. It could be happening during regular shows, but I haven't seen it (even on news shows w/ a crawl).
Could you look at these logs and see if anything stands out. It happened like 3-5 times betweer 1:47-1:48 in these logs.
I haven't changed anything on the system recently at all (no new apps, plugins, drivers, etc). The only other thing I notced recently was once in a while the remote was becoming unresonsive to GB (the 150 IR commands...but not to the UIRT I use for vol/tv power).