2014-10-03, 02:49 PM
I have comskip running in postprocessing.bat. Sometimes it runs, and sometimes I get this in the log:
Thu 10/02/2014,21:00:01.68 - PostProcessing.bat invoked on "E:\Videos\TV Shows\Greys Anatomy\Greys Anatomy_20141002_20002100.ts" recorded from channel 201
--- sleeping 20 seconds to avoid simultaneous execution
Thu 10/02/2014,21:00:21.52 - invoking comskip on "E:\Videos\TV Shows\Greys Anatomy\Greys Anatomy_20141002_20002100.ts"
Thu 10/02/2014,21:00:21.52 - comskip finished with "E:\Videos\TV Shows\Greys Anatomy\Greys Anatomy_20141002_20002100.ts"
Obviously it's not running since zero time has passed. Does anyone have any idea how this would be possible? Here's a copy of my postprocessing.bat:
Thu 10/02/2014,21:00:01.68 - PostProcessing.bat invoked on "E:\Videos\TV Shows\Greys Anatomy\Greys Anatomy_20141002_20002100.ts" recorded from channel 201
--- sleeping 20 seconds to avoid simultaneous execution
Thu 10/02/2014,21:00:21.52 - invoking comskip on "E:\Videos\TV Shows\Greys Anatomy\Greys Anatomy_20141002_20002100.ts"
Thu 10/02/2014,21:00:21.52 - comskip finished with "E:\Videos\TV Shows\Greys Anatomy\Greys Anatomy_20141002_20002100.ts"
Obviously it's not running since zero time has passed. Does anyone have any idea how this would be possible? Here's a copy of my postprocessing.bat:
set newfile=
@echo on
cd "C:\comskip"
comskip "%newfile%" >>comskip.log
echo %date%,%time% - PostProcessing.bat invoked on %1 recorded from channel %2 >>processing.log
set /a num1=%2% / 10
rem need to add a pause to avoid race conditions
echo --- sleeping %num1% seconds to avoid simultaneous execution >>processing.log
timeout /t %num1%
rem check how many comskips are running; if 2 or more are running wait 1 minute and check again
rem the third parameter passed in npvr 1.5.36 and later is a unique recording oid number, so it makes a good filename to store the temporary count
tasklist | find /c "comskip" > %3.txt
set /p count= <%3.txt
if %count% geq 2 (
echo ...%count% comskips running now, waiting 1 minute >>processing.log
timeout 60
goto check
del %3.txt
echo %date%,%time% - invoking comskip on %1 >>processing.log
comskip.exe %1% >>comskip.log
echo %date%,%time% - comskip finished with %1 >>processing.log
"C:\Program Files (x86)\NPVR\imageGrabLite.exe" --oid %3 --zap2it --rename --nfo