2015-08-06, 12:20 PM
Hi Everyone,
First off, thanks to the community for Next PVR and Kodi providing a replacement for Windows Media Centre now that I've gone to Windows 10. My wife makes heavy use of Windows Media Centre so I need to thrash out the bugs in the Next PVR/Kodi system so that this all becomes "wife-friendly".
All that follows is for:
NextPVR: 3.4.8
NextPVR add-ons and utilities: TV Listings, TV Recordings (could live without these); XmktvExtras.exe, XmlTvGUI (scraping from Radio times)
TV Tuners: Hauppauge WinTV MOD7700 DVB-T dual tuner; PCTV single tuner recognised as Hauppauge MSi2500 all taking a very weak signal from UK, Northumberland, Pontop Pike with significant amplification and distribution sometimes resulting in poor signal (which we have to accept living in a rural area).
Kodi: "Isengard" 15.0 Git:20150721
Kodi add-ons (other than default): MCEREmote, NextPVR PVR Client, XEM
I've read the first 20 pages of so of the Forum, checked out the FAQs and the Wiki, but I'm still cluless on what follows. Apologies if this has been asked a million times before - in which case point me at the forum posts that I can't find (even with search).
Setting recordings/timers.
Kodi seems to provide all of the interface that we want with the exception that "series link" type functionality seems a bit hit and miss. The record request for the "base" program seems to go back to NextPVR from Kodi quite quickly and reliably, but the "linked" recordings necessary seem hit and miss. Sometimes they appear instantly, sometimes they appear after delay and sometimes never (if you see what I mean). Setting the recordings directly in NextPVR through "TV Guide" always works; sometimes the add-in "TV Listings" doesn't behave as I'd expect (a bit like setting timers through Kodi).
Can anyone explain or point me at the wiki/forum articles that explain how the recordings database works so I can understand what (if anything) is going wrong. If all else fails, I'll just keep using NextPVR "TV Guide" only to set recordings.
Noisy Recordings
We seem to suffer from two types of noise in the .ts files that are recorded (any the WTV and dvr-me files that various Media Centre editions have provided):
(i) "Shot noise" from passing traffic, tree movements etcetera. This produces mpeg blocking (as expected - on our dedicated TV sets too) and is sometimes so severe that it upsets software playback of the transmission streams.
(ii) Startup noise: Whenever the tuners start-up or change channel they seem to take some time to lock and quite often there are errors in the first few frames of mpeg video that upset some software decoders.
I'm using the LAV decoders and they seem more susceptible to damaged .ts than other decoders. For a give damaged .ts file, LAV decoders perform worst, then the internal decoders in VLC media player. Best performing are the decoders for .ts inside my WD-Live stand-alone players.
Not really understanding the way that NextPVR makes recordings then makes them available to e.g. Kodi, I tried to insert ProjectX in the "signal chain". Running those dodgy .ts files through a stand-alone compled version of ProjectX set to demux. drop all except valid video and audio and remux to a .ts cures the crashing of the LAV and VideoLAN converters and makes the skip forward/back on the WDLive boxes of these files a bit more reliable.
But I'm obviously doing this wrong. I looped ProjectX in using a "PostProcessing.bat" script which acts on the original .ts file passed as %1 into the script. ProjectX gives a file with [remux] added into the filename, so I rename the original .ts to .bak and rename the new ts to remove the [remux].
Somehow though, NextPVR notices that I fiddle with the .TS file. Timekeeping in playback is hosed in NextPVR and likewise in Kodi->TV->Recordings. Curiously, the file plays as expected if I go Kodi->TV Shows->(e.g.) Recently Added then all is well. I guess I don't understand the way files are processed in NextPVR and I'm "intercepting" at the wrong stage. What is causing NextPVR to not just play the new (remixed) .ts file - what is instructing it to do something different?
Can anyone explain or point me at a description of how recordings are made so I can fix this for myself?
In the meantime, I'll manually run ProjectX over any skipping/crashing .ts files, but this is not "wife friendly"...
Thanks in advance everyone.
First off, thanks to the community for Next PVR and Kodi providing a replacement for Windows Media Centre now that I've gone to Windows 10. My wife makes heavy use of Windows Media Centre so I need to thrash out the bugs in the Next PVR/Kodi system so that this all becomes "wife-friendly".
All that follows is for:
NextPVR: 3.4.8
NextPVR add-ons and utilities: TV Listings, TV Recordings (could live without these); XmktvExtras.exe, XmlTvGUI (scraping from Radio times)
TV Tuners: Hauppauge WinTV MOD7700 DVB-T dual tuner; PCTV single tuner recognised as Hauppauge MSi2500 all taking a very weak signal from UK, Northumberland, Pontop Pike with significant amplification and distribution sometimes resulting in poor signal (which we have to accept living in a rural area).
Kodi: "Isengard" 15.0 Git:20150721
Kodi add-ons (other than default): MCEREmote, NextPVR PVR Client, XEM
I've read the first 20 pages of so of the Forum, checked out the FAQs and the Wiki, but I'm still cluless on what follows. Apologies if this has been asked a million times before - in which case point me at the forum posts that I can't find (even with search).
Setting recordings/timers.
Kodi seems to provide all of the interface that we want with the exception that "series link" type functionality seems a bit hit and miss. The record request for the "base" program seems to go back to NextPVR from Kodi quite quickly and reliably, but the "linked" recordings necessary seem hit and miss. Sometimes they appear instantly, sometimes they appear after delay and sometimes never (if you see what I mean). Setting the recordings directly in NextPVR through "TV Guide" always works; sometimes the add-in "TV Listings" doesn't behave as I'd expect (a bit like setting timers through Kodi).
Can anyone explain or point me at the wiki/forum articles that explain how the recordings database works so I can understand what (if anything) is going wrong. If all else fails, I'll just keep using NextPVR "TV Guide" only to set recordings.
Noisy Recordings
We seem to suffer from two types of noise in the .ts files that are recorded (any the WTV and dvr-me files that various Media Centre editions have provided):
(i) "Shot noise" from passing traffic, tree movements etcetera. This produces mpeg blocking (as expected - on our dedicated TV sets too) and is sometimes so severe that it upsets software playback of the transmission streams.
(ii) Startup noise: Whenever the tuners start-up or change channel they seem to take some time to lock and quite often there are errors in the first few frames of mpeg video that upset some software decoders.
I'm using the LAV decoders and they seem more susceptible to damaged .ts than other decoders. For a give damaged .ts file, LAV decoders perform worst, then the internal decoders in VLC media player. Best performing are the decoders for .ts inside my WD-Live stand-alone players.
Not really understanding the way that NextPVR makes recordings then makes them available to e.g. Kodi, I tried to insert ProjectX in the "signal chain". Running those dodgy .ts files through a stand-alone compled version of ProjectX set to demux. drop all except valid video and audio and remux to a .ts cures the crashing of the LAV and VideoLAN converters and makes the skip forward/back on the WDLive boxes of these files a bit more reliable.
But I'm obviously doing this wrong. I looped ProjectX in using a "PostProcessing.bat" script which acts on the original .ts file passed as %1 into the script. ProjectX gives a file with [remux] added into the filename, so I rename the original .ts to .bak and rename the new ts to remove the [remux].
Somehow though, NextPVR notices that I fiddle with the .TS file. Timekeeping in playback is hosed in NextPVR and likewise in Kodi->TV->Recordings. Curiously, the file plays as expected if I go Kodi->TV Shows->(e.g.) Recently Added then all is well. I guess I don't understand the way files are processed in NextPVR and I'm "intercepting" at the wrong stage. What is causing NextPVR to not just play the new (remixed) .ts file - what is instructing it to do something different?
Can anyone explain or point me at a description of how recordings are made so I can fix this for myself?
In the meantime, I'll manually run ProjectX over any skipping/crashing .ts files, but this is not "wife friendly"...
Thanks in advance everyone.