Hi - sorry for the opening comment but I am not a Linux expert...
I have been running Nextpvr on a Rpi4 for quite a while without issue. Yesterday, I noticed a new version 6.xxx was available. I was running 5.xxx (not sure exactly which one). Now the nextpvr webpage is not available and it appears I have corrupted the server. I've tried to reinstall, but after reading some of the forums, I think this was a potential issue that I was not aware of.
I am now stuck with a system that won't upgrade, won't install and can't be started. I am hoping someone (Martin?) can help? I am not an expert, so even the process of uploading logs is unknown to me.
When I run the status, this is what I get:
Thanks in advance,
pi@NextPVRSVR:~ $ service nextpvr-server status
● nextpvr-server.service - NextPVRServer
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/nextpvr-server.service; enabled; vendo>
Active: inactive (dead) since Wed 2023-05-03 18:46:29 EDT; 14s ago
Process: 5398 ExecStart=/opt/nextpvr/shell/server.sh start (code=exited, st>
CPU: 50ms
May 03 18:46:27 NextPVRSVR systemd[1]: Starting NextPVRServer...
May 03 18:46:27 NextPVRSVR server.sh[5398]: Starting server..
May 03 18:46:27 NextPVRSVR server.sh[5400]: /opt/nextpvr/shell/server.sh: line >
May 03 18:46:29 NextPVRSVR server.sh[5398]: Done. PID=
May 03 18:46:29 NextPVRSVR systemd[1]: nextpvr-server.service: Succeeded.
May 03 18:46:29 NextPVRSVR systemd[1]: Started NextPVRServer.
I have been running Nextpvr on a Rpi4 for quite a while without issue. Yesterday, I noticed a new version 6.xxx was available. I was running 5.xxx (not sure exactly which one). Now the nextpvr webpage is not available and it appears I have corrupted the server. I've tried to reinstall, but after reading some of the forums, I think this was a potential issue that I was not aware of.
I am now stuck with a system that won't upgrade, won't install and can't be started. I am hoping someone (Martin?) can help? I am not an expert, so even the process of uploading logs is unknown to me.
When I run the status, this is what I get:
Thanks in advance,
pi@NextPVRSVR:~ $ service nextpvr-server status
● nextpvr-server.service - NextPVRServer
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/nextpvr-server.service; enabled; vendo>
Active: inactive (dead) since Wed 2023-05-03 18:46:29 EDT; 14s ago
Process: 5398 ExecStart=/opt/nextpvr/shell/server.sh start (code=exited, st>
CPU: 50ms
May 03 18:46:27 NextPVRSVR systemd[1]: Starting NextPVRServer...
May 03 18:46:27 NextPVRSVR server.sh[5398]: Starting server..
May 03 18:46:27 NextPVRSVR server.sh[5400]: /opt/nextpvr/shell/server.sh: line >
May 03 18:46:29 NextPVRSVR server.sh[5398]: Done. PID=
May 03 18:46:29 NextPVRSVR systemd[1]: nextpvr-server.service: Succeeded.
May 03 18:46:29 NextPVRSVR systemd[1]: Started NextPVRServer.