2009-11-14, 03:37 PM
I live in a house where I have broadband internet and cable tv through a local provider. I have a condo in another community where I intend on living on a part time basis. I am reluctant to pay for tv cable fees for both locations. What I would like to do is record tv programs at one location on my laptop then play them back at the condo location at a later date. The house has windows xp sp2 and my laptop is vista basic. I dont mind hooking the laptop up to the existing cable and then record and then bring it down to the condo. The laptop is a toshiba satellite with a D connection, S Video out and an express card 54mm connector. I am about to purchase a Hauppage digital media receiver model 1000 , a toshiba 500 gig portable hard drive and a hauupage wintv hvr 1500 notebook express card hdtv tuner video recorder media centre. Before I press the buy button does the equipment sound right? Will it work?