2012-02-06, 03:44 PM
I have an A-100 and an A-110 on my system. Both work great with my old GBPVR server. However, when I connect to my NPVR server, the A-100 works okay, but the A-110 does not. The response to remote button presses is preposterously slow (like 20-30 seconds), the skip back (Prev) actually goes forward, and it routinely locks up (black screen requiring reset button on PCH). Other than the video format different (GB-PVR is all SD/MPEG, N-PVR is HD/TS format), are there any differences in how NPVR and GBPVR handle the NMTs? Any suggested settings for NPVR for the NMTs?
Server: Ryzen 5 3600 3.6GHz: 16GB RAM: ASRock Phantom D/RX570: SDD: 512GB HDDs: 5TB, 8TB, 8TB
Linux Mint v20, NPVR v5.1.3.210711
Tuners: Hauppauge PVR-2250-MC Dual Tuner, HDHR Duo ATSC Tuner
Clients: Knewc on CE-ODroid N2 x2, N2+, LE-RPi4, PCs x2
Linux Mint v20, NPVR v5.1.3.210711
Tuners: Hauppauge PVR-2250-MC Dual Tuner, HDHR Duo ATSC Tuner
Clients: Knewc on CE-ODroid N2 x2, N2+, LE-RPi4, PCs x2