2012-11-27, 02:43 AM
I have encountered this System.DivideByZeroException several times play .ts files generated by NetworkDecoder. I don't know if it occurs with other videos. The java traceback is:
@ Native.PlaybackNative.SetPosition (Double position)
@ NextPVR.Players.PlaybackProxyFactory.setPosition
@ NextPVR.VideoPlayer.OnClick(PointF location)
@ NextPVR.ControllerForm.ControllerForm.MouseClick
I attempted to generate a traceback with ctrl-backspace, ctrl-backslash and several other permutations which works with some Javas, but I didn't seem to get anything, or it is putting in a location that I am unaware of. I did not try very hard.
The problem occurred with and without the latest patch (2.5.9 R1).
@ Native.PlaybackNative.SetPosition (Double position)
@ NextPVR.Players.PlaybackProxyFactory.setPosition
@ NextPVR.VideoPlayer.OnClick(PointF location)
@ NextPVR.ControllerForm.ControllerForm.MouseClick
I attempted to generate a traceback with ctrl-backspace, ctrl-backslash and several other permutations which works with some Javas, but I didn't seem to get anything, or it is putting in a location that I am unaware of. I did not try very hard.
The problem occurred with and without the latest patch (2.5.9 R1).