2023-01-24, 04:53 PM
(2023-01-24, 01:18 PM)mvallevand Wrote: Thanks for the logs they are actually quite helpful since I see a definite problem perhaps it was caused by the deleted. You have scheduled recordings that don't appear linked to a recurring recording but when the rules are run, upcoming recordings are not flagged for recordings because they are considered already scheduled.
When the scheduled time does arrive there is no log activity at all, normally on a failure it would try to record by unique id. Then they are marked as channel not found.
It will take 2 week for these orphaned schedules to clear out so sub definitely needs to look at this. You probably will no with your morning recordings whether you fixed it or not.
Also your ac4 to ac3 conversion is still spamming the logs. The logs capturing the data is deliberate to help diagnose bad scripts, but once it is working it is best to redirect. Another option would be to use an ffmpeg option like -v error or -v panic.
Thanks, no more Channel not found issues yet today. Yes, I had not yet redirected ffmpeg output before last night's logs were produced. Today it was redirected using "> nul 2>&1" but I'll try the -v option. I'll close Kodi when not using so that client doesn't spam the log, too.