2007-08-17, 02:23 AM
prasi00 Wrote:Everything was going alright until about an hour into the movie. Then it stopped. The only thing I changed was that i started browsing the net on the server machine. Some logs:
007-08-16 08:18:40.062 VERBOSE [7] Request completed. 200000 bytes sent
2007-08-16 08:18:40.609 VERBOSE [6] mvpVideoDuration: 5295
2007-08-16 08:18:41.421 VERBOSE [6] MVP connection is gone.
2007-08-16 08:18:41.421 VERBOSE [7] MVP media connection recycle requested
2007-08-16 08:18:41.437 VERBOSE [6] MVP Control Thread shutting down....
2007-08-16 08:18:41.531 VERBOSE [6] MVP Control Thread shutdown finished
2007-08-16 08:18:41.593 VERBOSE [3] Received MVP Service Locator request
2007-08-16 08:18:41.953 VERBOSE [7] MVPSendStopRequest()
2007-08-16 08:18:41.953 VERBOSE [6] MVPSendStopRequest()
2007-08-16 08:18:42.390 VERBOSE [3] Parsing MVP Service Locator request
2007-08-16 08:18:42.453 VERBOSE [6] EnableScreenSaver()
2007-08-16 08:18:42.453 VERBOSE [6] getValue cached value: /settings/ScreenSaverEnabled : true
2007-08-16 08:18:42.453 VERBOSE [7] EnableScreenSaver()
2007-08-16 08:18:42.453 VERBOSE [7] getValue cached value: /settings/ScreenSaverEnabled : true
2007-08-16 08:18:42.484 VERBOSE [6] ForceRepaint()
2007-08-16 08:18:42.484 VERBOSE [7] ForceRepaint()
2007-08-16 08:18:42.546 VERBOSE [7] ...ForceRepaint() ignored from streaming thread
2007-08-16 08:18:42.546 VERBOSE [7] MVP Streaming Thread shutting down...
2007-08-16 08:18:42.546 VERBOSE [7] MVP Streaming Thread shutdown finished
2007-08-16 08:18:42.562 VERBOSE [6] UiList.GetRenderList()
2007-08-16 08:18:42.578 VERBOSE [6] selectedIndex = 3 listViewVisibleIndex = 0
2007-08-16 08:18:42.875 VERBOSE [6] LIST: Using cached image
2007-08-16 08:18:42.875 VERBOSE [6] LIST: Using cached image
2007-08-16 08:18:42.875 VERBOSE [6] LIST: Using cached image
2007-08-16 08:18:42.875 VERBOSE [6] LIST: Using cached image
I can't tell for sure but it seems like the Server lost connection with the MVP, not that it ran out of file.
It may also be that the trancode power is so border line, that just opening another window is enough to slow it down so the transcode can no longer maintain a lead...
what are you computer specs? Do you have a lot of things running? What is your preplay delay?
check this out...http://gbpvr.com/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Utili...ess1#toc33
It will help even if you don't use ZProcess
Frank Z
I used to ask 'why?' Now I just reinstall...
Author: ZTools: ZProcess, MVPServerChecker; UltraXMLTV Enhancer, Renamer, Manager; [/SIZE]
I used to ask 'why?' Now I just reinstall...
Author: ZTools: ZProcess, MVPServerChecker; UltraXMLTV Enhancer, Renamer, Manager; [/SIZE]