2015-01-10, 03:03 PM
zaldwaik Wrote:Thanks. I changed to IP address, and the problem happened again. If it is a share related issue, then how can I view other recordings, except a specific one. It is the same share after all. Exiting and then entering the web interface does not fix it. I have to play the file from Kodi first before it is resolved. Very strange.
I don't consider it strange, currently on my Windows laptop all my drive letter shares are showing disconnected and NextPVR wouldn't be able to play anything from the libraries either, I'd need to click on them in My Computer to reconnect, I consider this an OS thing.
For OE it's probably cache related, x-newa is finding it in the directory otherwise it would fallback to http. Perhaps try permanent mount http://wiki.openelec.tv/index.php?title=...ork_shares and change advancedsettings.xml to use the new mount points if turning.