This log shows the 10 seconds or so of the recording service starting up. Was it using this 99% CPU at this stage?
Do you have v0.97.13, or are you still running one of the older versions? Early versions of v0.97 had a bug that could cause this high CPU usage if the web server was enabled.
sub Wrote:This log shows the 10 seconds or so of the recording service starting up. Was it using this 99% CPU at this stage?
Do you have v0.97.13, or are you still running one of the older versions? Early versions of v0.97 had a bug that could cause this high CPU usage if the web server was enabled.
I am running v0.97.13. I took a snapshot as of 8:11pm to show it's running at 86% (but was climbing and dropping as usual) but the latest logs for GBPVRRecordingService were 8:00pm (so no new logs were created so I didn't attach them to this msg).
I suspect its missing a required DLL in the web\bin directory, but it can be difficult to tell which one exactly. Maybe look in the Window Event Viewer to see if there was a message added for the recording service when the web server was enabled.
I did notice something peculiar. When I disabled the web server, the event viewer generates two entries 8:42:19 PM (GBPVRRecordingService stopped successfully) and 8:42:25PM (GBPVRRecordingService started successfully).
When I enabled webserver, it generated only one entry at 8:43:12PM (GBPVRRecordingService stopped successfully).
I dont use the web server myself, so I'm not familiar with exactly which DLLs need to be in there. I know the list can vary though depending on how your capture source is configured, and what plugins you have installed.