Yes, I know of that plugin. But it would be nice to have it in this plugin(if you alredy have normal dvdrip in the plugin why not expande it so you have for 350 card + MVP).
ok i should answer that question above, its been a few days. um the dvd2mpeg plugin requires a lot of steps to rip a dvd to mpeg2. enough steps so it needs, well deserves a plugin for itself. its not like the dvd to iso ripper which is a one process deal. theres a lot of error catching etc. also im sure jeff wouldnt want me to steal his entire code and shove it in my plugin, rendering his plugin redundant. also the plugin is steal a beta release, if he makes updates i would have update the exact same code, theres no point just yet. im 50/50 on implementing this feature, if jeff permits it. but this isnt on the top of my list, so dont expect it for a while.
now done to business ive done a quick build, and sorted out a few things for the grabbing the movie/recording info from the database, well the helper dlls. its just quick build, i think i got it right, i havent bothered doing a proper release, ive just attached the dll in a zip, it sorts by the actual filename, not the displayed name (the displayed name is the subtitle, ie the episode title) so if the filename is "angel_200412_081130.mpg" and the episode is "The Girl In Question" it will sort by "angel_200412_081130" (i forget how gbpvr actually does the file names, but its something like that). also it doesnt sort by the absolute path ie C:\myvideos\angel\angel_200412_081130. it just sorts the files name, so if you are using a link file it wont sort them wierdly.
ive made it look for the info from the recording database first, and then the imdb info, so if the info is found in the database, and you have downloaded the imdb, or try and download it wont be displayed, well the image will. if enough people think this should go around the other way ill think about change it; but i *think* it should stay this way. um i may have fixed a few bugs, i really cant remember, im always fiddling with these plugins. but yeah enjoy merry xmas everyone, well its boxing day here now so. yeah merry boxing day.
ive added a update to the wiki, version 1.0.1821.39330. ive updated the skin file, so it now uses composite images for the selectors (same as in my music). also ive fixed a few bugs, and improved the memory management (this might have created a few bugs thou ). it now disposes things, like arrays, images (not all thou, will slowly do this with each release) when gbpvr deactivates the plugin. but this means these things have to be reloaded when gbpvr activates it (its a little slower, but i cant tell the difference).
also it checks if the filename is in the recordings directory, not the absolute filename, so it looks for ("angel_20041208_9030.mpg" and not "D:\recordings\angel\angel_20041209_9030", so you can move files around, like put movies into a movies directory (just dont chnage the filename, leave it as is). im planning on adding all these to a database for my videos in a latter release, also all the imdb data will go in there also, but ill update the imdb grabber first, so it returns a result set of found matches (incase it is wrong match, and editing the database might be difficult etc. where as editing a plain text file is relatively easy.), once all this info is in the database, ill allow you to change file names, also file extensions, so you can compress a mpeg2 file to xvid or something and keep the info.).
i think thats basically it, so if you created a skin for this, you'll have to update it.
I just recently recieved a Mediamvp for Christmas and I think that your plugin is great. I was just wondering if it is possible for me to change the information and displayed picture for each individual video file.
I wouldnât worry about duplicating plug-in functionality by adding DVD to MPEG conversion; the real duplication is between the core of My Videos and my (poorly named) Video Archive plug-in and Jormâs XRecord plug-in. However I think this is a good thing since each has a different metaphor for displaying and managing information and each has its own plusses and minuses. Ironically, I was about to rename the Video Archive plug-in to My Videos (since it is really a video manager and now does archiving using an external utility) on the day that you released My Videos, so I left the name of the Video Archive plug-in unchanged.
If you havenât looked at XRecord and the Video Archive plug-in I would encourage you to do so. Some of the things you are thinking of adding or have been requested to add (like maintaining a separate database of recording information, tracking recording information independent of file location, displaying unique subtitle, description, and graphic image per recording as asked for by Banjo_Fred) are already in the Video Archive plug-I and you might get some ideas from them of things to add to your plug-in. I have recently added a pop-up to display disk space usage (inspired by XRecord) and have just updated the plug-in to automatically fetch DVD and recording information and posters from the Internet as new recordings/DVD are added rather than batching them up at night (inspired by your plug-in). I also decided to integrate the DVD2MPEG conversion process into the Video Archive plug-in, inspired by the request of PVR(SWE). I plan to post the updated Video Archive plug-in later tonight or tomorrow.
If you want the latest code for the DVD2MPLEG plug-in let me know. I havenât posted it in a while because Iâve been meaning to clean it up to use composite images, however the rest of it works fine.
[b Wrote:Quote[/b] (Guest @ Dec. 28 2004,07:41)]I just recently recieved a Mediamvp for Christmas and I think that your plugin is great. I was just wondering if it is possible for me to change the information and displayed picture for each individual video file.
when you say individual video file, do you mean like tv series like enterprise -2x02 - carbon creek. or do you just mean for any recordings. since with the latest one it will look up the recordings info from the database and display that. ill make it check for an exact match of the file name (enterprise - 2x02 -carbon creeek.details / .jpg) and if that is found it will display that info in there (you just have to manually do these files).
[b Wrote:Quote[/b] ]Ironically, I was about to rename the Video Archive plug-in to My Videos (since it is really a video manager and now does archiving using an external utility) on the day that you released My Videos, so I left the name of the Video Archive plug-in unchanged.
hehe thats quite funny.
oh the dvd2mpeg i was thinking (and hoping) to just access the public methods found in the dvd2mpeg dll. so jeff could maintain it, and update it, and i wouldnt have to worry about it. only thing is i think the dll will have to go into gbpvr root directory. jeff would this work, i mean are the main required methods all public etc?
ill have a look around at the other plugins (perhaps today), i need more inspiration (looked at xbmc/mediaportal/sage/beyond/mce, i really hated mce, it was a let down).
im planning on doing an indepent my videos database in a later release (put all the .details .jpg into a database, thats why i havent asked sub to delete these files when you delete a recording).
ok ive uploaded a new version build #1.0.1823.30197 . it now first looks for the exact file name with .details .jpg for the details info and image info, then it looks for the "moviename" which is what the tvmode works out so enterprise\season 1\enterprise 1x01-pilot.avi > moviename = enterprise.details. i hope this is what you meant, it first looks for the info in the database thou since its most likely to have better information. heres a new piccie.