2004-12-28, 06:25 AM
Source code yet??
2004-12-28, 06:25 AM
Source code yet??
2004-12-28, 06:26 AM
nah ive decided that if you want the source code, youll have to send me some money first.
2004-12-28, 08:28 AM
forget that??Good luck
2004-12-28, 04:02 PM
hi there, a good idea for this plugin would be to cut the timestamp off the name of the movie-file, so that the imdb-info could be found.
then it would be nice to have buttons like in other plugins and like they are in the main-app. btw: in the wiki it says, that this plugin is a replacement for movieDB, but i cannot find an option for an "offline" dvd-archive like it was in movieDB. could you implement this features in the future? keep it up!
2004-12-28, 10:48 PM
i meant replacement since it showed your videos and info about the flicks. im not going to do an offline movie database.
the timestamp is already cut off when it looks up the info on imdb.
2004-12-29, 03:39 AM
Here's another thing to maybe think about, perhaps, return to top of list, or icon, big icon, get me...Say you are 5 pages down on the video page, somewhere in the middle, and want to return (or jump) to the beginning of the list or 1st page, could you not implement a remote button for this..
2004-12-29, 05:19 AM
i was thinking about adding a home/end button thingy, but theres not really any free buttons on the remote for this. home = 1st item, end = last item.
2004-12-29, 05:32 AM
what about numbers 1= home 9 = end..i don't use the number keys for anything anyway..what about you?
2004-12-29, 05:59 AM
nah i want to use those for the letters, 2 = abc, 9 = xyz etc. just have to write the code for it.
im planning on looking up the keys from a file latter on so you can configure which buttons do what, i just kinda waiting to see how sub will do this, or talk to him, its low priority at the moment, but i think its the best way to do things. once this is done, ill have like "pagedown" "pageup" "back" "last" "first" etc so you can manually choose which buttons do what.
2004-12-29, 06:04 AM
ok that sounds good, listen i was just busting your balls about the source code, i understand that you made it, i guess i should not expect a hand out..