I've been working on this for a few hours now but can't get it to work.
Here is what I'm working with:
GBPVR 1.2.13 - clean install
Community skin
Hauppauge 1600 model 1199 PCI
780G graphics 5000+ BE processor 2G ram
yapi2xml EGP (seems to be working...)
I should be getting channels 1-75 or so basic SD cable, and the networks in HD clear QAM (my panasonic TV tunes them in just fine).
I have "rabbit ears" hooked up to the ATSC input on the 1600 right now just for fun.
I can't get QAM to work in WintTV or GBPVR. regular cable works (well, untill I started trying to get the QAM to work) , and ATSC was working earlier in WinTV until I switched it to "cable" to try and get QAM.
My questions are below. Please someone help!
1) What do I want to select for recording service? I'm guessing "digital recording plugin"?
2) After picking "digital recording plugin", and selecting "settings", I check "only show devices detected in this machine" and choose HVR-1600 (QAM). But the grayed out "type" box still says "ATSC", is this normal? Shouldn't it say QAM?
3) If I then click on "update EGP", and then "map digital channels to EPG guide" GBPVR does a scan, but finds nothing - not even the anolog channels.
4) I have all my channels listed under the channels tab in config, but pvrx2 does nothing when I select "live tv". The guide seems to be working but when I select an alolog chanel to watch i just get a black screen. When I select a digital channel i get a black screen for about a second and then it returns to the guide.
I've given a lot of detail here in hopes that someone can help me. I'm running out of ideas, someone please help!
Oh, and what are those two unlabled buttons below the "remove" button on the "capture sources" tab in config?
Here is what I'm working with:
GBPVR 1.2.13 - clean install
Community skin
Hauppauge 1600 model 1199 PCI
780G graphics 5000+ BE processor 2G ram
yapi2xml EGP (seems to be working...)
I should be getting channels 1-75 or so basic SD cable, and the networks in HD clear QAM (my panasonic TV tunes them in just fine).
I have "rabbit ears" hooked up to the ATSC input on the 1600 right now just for fun.
I can't get QAM to work in WintTV or GBPVR. regular cable works (well, untill I started trying to get the QAM to work) , and ATSC was working earlier in WinTV until I switched it to "cable" to try and get QAM.
My questions are below. Please someone help!
1) What do I want to select for recording service? I'm guessing "digital recording plugin"?
2) After picking "digital recording plugin", and selecting "settings", I check "only show devices detected in this machine" and choose HVR-1600 (QAM). But the grayed out "type" box still says "ATSC", is this normal? Shouldn't it say QAM?
3) If I then click on "update EGP", and then "map digital channels to EPG guide" GBPVR does a scan, but finds nothing - not even the anolog channels.
4) I have all my channels listed under the channels tab in config, but pvrx2 does nothing when I select "live tv". The guide seems to be working but when I select an alolog chanel to watch i just get a black screen. When I select a digital channel i get a black screen for about a second and then it returns to the guide.
I've given a lot of detail here in hopes that someone can help me. I'm running out of ideas, someone please help!
Oh, and what are those two unlabled buttons below the "remove" button on the "capture sources" tab in config?