mvallevand Wrote:It would be meaningless without an API that populated this column.
I think that's probably part of what smajor is asking for. It would be trivial for npvr to query a plugin's assembly info at the point it's being loaded or at the point the Plugins view in Settings is opened.
Unfortunately I haven't been very careful or constant with my own version numbering especially of the assembly. I'd like to know what sub shows before having to explain it.
bgowland Wrote:I think that's probably part of what smajor is asking for. It would be trivial for npvr to query a plugin's assembly info at the point it's being loaded or at the point the Plugins view in Settings is opened.
Yes, the "how" is up to all of you. It would sure beat going to various plug-in dlls and trying to discern from the date of the file if it's older that is posted on the wiki or in the forums.