2005-08-21, 11:22 PM
Ok, so I feel like i'm a nerd! Back in the day, I used to ask, why would anyone want a camera on their phone, and now that's standard... so here's my wish
What about a skype / tele-conference (i.e. use webcam) capabilities through gbpvr. It runs through my tv, so it's nice nad big, and it would be great to set up my webcam and be able to chat with my family just through the tv and through gbpvr... i saw something similar with meedio:
What about a skype / tele-conference (i.e. use webcam) capabilities through gbpvr. It runs through my tv, so it's nice nad big, and it would be great to set up my webcam and be able to chat with my family just through the tv and through gbpvr... i saw something similar with meedio:
If you want to know why nPVR is the bomb, ask my wife!