2019-08-27, 01:28 AM
Martin might be able to tell you why on that one.
2019-08-27, 01:28 AM
Martin might be able to tell you why on that one.
2019-08-27, 01:55 AM
@arrbee99 Can you post the output from and give me the name of a channel that doesn't have an icon in Emby
2019-08-27, 02:13 AM
Well I just clicked on that 127... address you gave and it gave a pretty long list.
Also, it wasn't really that channels didn't have icons, more that when I updated them in NextPVR, some of them didn't update in Emby, which I was hoping they would after telling Emby to update the guide and restarting the Emby server. However, I've got them to show up now by deleting the individual icons I didn't want in Emby and after more restarting of the server and more updating of the guide they seem to be showing up ok now. So it seemed less automatic than I thought it would be, but maybe that's just the way it is...
2019-08-27, 02:29 AM
Yes you might haved needed to zip the list to post it. The url to the icon is static which means Emby won't know you changed the icon in NextPVR. Kodi users have it worse, the PVR addon caches the icons too and if you delete the cache they still exist in Kodi's metadata database that can't be managed by users. sub would have to make some sophisticated change on the backend to avoid this.
Martin |