(2021-08-05, 08:58 PM)No because i am using a VPN. Sometimes it plays very intermittently but mostly it doesn’tmvallevand Wrote: You need to make sure the VPN is working. From the command line running try
(2021-08-05, 01:15 PM)If the VPN is connected , it wont play. when disconnected it plays but says only available in italymvallevand Wrote: As I said you need to provide a working URL that you use in MyIP not what you are using in a browser, no need for a new thread.
(2021-08-06, 03:01 PM)mvallevand Wrote: I was meaning the ciccio.ts file not the stream.
(2021-05-21, 05:12 PM)i missed tis before, but it didnt workmvallevand Wrote:
(2021-05-21, 05:02 PM)ciccio Wrote: Im using a VPN. With a VPN it plays in MYIPTV but not nextpvr.
Its defo a NextPVR issue
if i run "C:\Program Files\NextPVR\Other\ffplay" "https://mediapolis.rai.it/relinker/relinkerServlet.htm?cont=2606803" it works fine. inside nextpvr is doesnt
It feels like the NextPVR service isn't going through your VPN. If you stop the NextPVR service and as a test run
cd "\Program Files"
does it work manually? If yes you pretty much are on your own figuring out how to configure the service.
(2021-08-06, 07:29 PM)Ran the command with the -v text see attached. I think its definitley NEXTPVR as i can even get the channel on mt android phone using the VPN mvallevand Wrote: If the ts file won't play when the VPN is connected it sound like the URL is not working. If you add the -v parameter you might get more information.