2024-01-22, 09:05 PM
Install NextPVR on Windows 11 box and I have 2 accounts at 1 IPTV provider. I started to add another IPTV device but when it parsed out the channels for the second IPTV device I realized that it was about to add additional channels starting at around 2005. WHOA hang on a second. This got me thinking, this is not what I want. I guess I had imagined incorrectly that it would just double up the channels except using the same channel numbers that would in effect have 2 different streams to the provider. Thats what I was after but looks like it's not possible or I'm doing something wrong. What is the recommended way to configure this? Keep in mind that I'm using Kodi with the NextPVR client. I may have jumped the gun on this but my current challenge is I seem to be running out of streams as live TV is being dropped sometimes and it's usually while NPVR is recording stuff. What I was going to do was double up the available streams but if I can't do that then I will have to figure something else out. I guess my question is what would be the recommended way to proceed? I now have a total of 10 streams available to me, split into 5 per account at the same provider. Is there a way to combine these in NPVR?