Dear GBPVR users,
I had sometimes a problem with the GBPVR software in MVP mode and the only solution then was to restart GBPVR. For that i needed access to a PC and that was not always close me. So i made a quick .cmd script to reload GBPVR after pressing the power button on the remote. It is nothing fancy but it works for me:
Tested only on MS Windows XP
- Assumes default installation path(s) GBPVR.
- Commands used: Del, Copy, START, Netstat, Find (default availible with MS XP)
1: you need to download the freeware process.exe util from:
(also any other tool that displays and kill processes will do fine i think).
2: Create a directory and put this the tool there.
3: Create in this directory also a file called: WASON.CHK
4: Create in this dir. also a file called: ResetMVP.CMD
5: Copy and Paste the next stuff into ResetMVP.CMD
--- Start Reset.CMD, copy beyond this line ---------
@echo off
netstat -n | find ":5906" > nul
If errorlevel 1 goto mvpnotrun
echo MVP connected.
if exist .\wason.txt goto loadmvp
echo New connection detected.
copy /Y .\wason.chk .\wason.txt
echo FirstTime marker set!
echo New connection detected @ %date% %time% >> .\log.txt
goto einde
echo MVP NOT connected.
if not exist .\wason.txt goto loadmvp
echo FirstTime marker detected.
del /F .\wason.txt > nul
process -k GBPVR.exe > nul
START "PVR" "C:\Program Files\devnz\gbpvr\gbpvr.exe" -mvpmode
echo Restart GBPVR @ %date% %time% >> .\log.txt
echo Restart GBPVR.
goto einde
echo Check for running MVP Application...
process | find "GBPVR.exe" >nul
If errorlevel 1 goto runmvp
echo MVP Application is running.
goto einde
echo Application NOT running, initiating clean Start!
del /F .\wason.txt > nul
START "PVR" "C:\Program Files\devnz\gbpvr\gbpvr.exe" -mvpmode
echo Clean GBPVR start @ %date% %time% >> .\log.txt
echo Done.
---- Stop ResetMVP.CMD Copy before this line ----------
Note: the line containing "netstat -n | find ":5906" > nul" is a default setting/port for the MVP to connect to GBPVR.EXE test it by running this line without the "> nul" statement to see if this port is connected when the MVP is ON.
- Start GBPVR in MVP Mode.
- Turn on MVP
- Open a Commandwindow (CMD) and go to the directory where ResetMVP is located.
- Run ResetMVP.CMD
It now detects MVP is connected.
- Switch the MVP off and run ResetMVP again. It now will detect a lost connection and initiate a reload of GBPVR.EXE.
the last thin you must do now is:
6: Now create a scheduled task witch calls the ResetMVP.CMD every one minute. Make sure you let it run in the directory where ResetMVP is placed.
-- End Installation ---
Dear folks, it works for me i hope it works for you, it is not to dificult to understand the script so if things dont seem to work please dont ask me.
GBPVR Rules!
BTW: If there was already another solution then please let use know.
I had sometimes a problem with the GBPVR software in MVP mode and the only solution then was to restart GBPVR. For that i needed access to a PC and that was not always close me. So i made a quick .cmd script to reload GBPVR after pressing the power button on the remote. It is nothing fancy but it works for me:
Tested only on MS Windows XP
- Assumes default installation path(s) GBPVR.
- Commands used: Del, Copy, START, Netstat, Find (default availible with MS XP)
1: you need to download the freeware process.exe util from:
(also any other tool that displays and kill processes will do fine i think).
2: Create a directory and put this the tool there.
3: Create in this directory also a file called: WASON.CHK
4: Create in this dir. also a file called: ResetMVP.CMD
5: Copy and Paste the next stuff into ResetMVP.CMD
--- Start Reset.CMD, copy beyond this line ---------
@echo off
netstat -n | find ":5906" > nul
If errorlevel 1 goto mvpnotrun
echo MVP connected.
if exist .\wason.txt goto loadmvp
echo New connection detected.
copy /Y .\wason.chk .\wason.txt
echo FirstTime marker set!
echo New connection detected @ %date% %time% >> .\log.txt
goto einde
echo MVP NOT connected.
if not exist .\wason.txt goto loadmvp
echo FirstTime marker detected.
del /F .\wason.txt > nul
process -k GBPVR.exe > nul
START "PVR" "C:\Program Files\devnz\gbpvr\gbpvr.exe" -mvpmode
echo Restart GBPVR @ %date% %time% >> .\log.txt
echo Restart GBPVR.
goto einde
echo Check for running MVP Application...
process | find "GBPVR.exe" >nul
If errorlevel 1 goto runmvp
echo MVP Application is running.
goto einde
echo Application NOT running, initiating clean Start!
del /F .\wason.txt > nul
START "PVR" "C:\Program Files\devnz\gbpvr\gbpvr.exe" -mvpmode
echo Clean GBPVR start @ %date% %time% >> .\log.txt
echo Done.
---- Stop ResetMVP.CMD Copy before this line ----------
Note: the line containing "netstat -n | find ":5906" > nul" is a default setting/port for the MVP to connect to GBPVR.EXE test it by running this line without the "> nul" statement to see if this port is connected when the MVP is ON.
- Start GBPVR in MVP Mode.
- Turn on MVP
- Open a Commandwindow (CMD) and go to the directory where ResetMVP is located.
- Run ResetMVP.CMD
It now detects MVP is connected.
- Switch the MVP off and run ResetMVP again. It now will detect a lost connection and initiate a reload of GBPVR.EXE.
the last thin you must do now is:
6: Now create a scheduled task witch calls the ResetMVP.CMD every one minute. Make sure you let it run in the directory where ResetMVP is placed.
-- End Installation ---
Dear folks, it works for me i hope it works for you, it is not to dificult to understand the script so if things dont seem to work please dont ask me.
GBPVR Rules!
BTW: If there was already another solution then please let use know.