2013-04-10, 10:23 PM
I am using the Main Concept decoder, and on some channels it works, other channels it will work for a few minutes then just stops. I have tried to disable and re-enable it but no luck. I have attached the log files. Also if record the show and play it in VLC, select Video -> Subtitles -> Closed Caption 1 it works as expected. If I playback the show in NextPVR it didn't show any captions at first. Oddly enough in the recording it just started working again after a commercial break without any interaction. This is after I collected the log files however. When I collected the logs I had been playing Live TV with CC enabled, it had played CC for about 1 min then stopped. I then stopped Live TV, setup the channel to record and tried playing back the recording. Neither method was producing any CC.
I appreciate any input/help, I have a grandmother in-law who is deaf so when she stays at our house it is useful if I can get the CC working.
I appreciate any input/help, I have a grandmother in-law who is deaf so when she stays at our house it is useful if I can get the CC working.