2019-10-12, 07:33 PM
I've been test driving NextPvr after being disappointed with the way TvMosaic handles interrupted recordings. Creates a lot of partials while recording an inherently less reliable IPTV source. I'm finding NextPvr has the same struggle. But at least NextPvr doesn't seem to corrupt the .TS file after an interruption. It's a good test bed now since xcode recently blew up and providers are working to restore reliability in their feeds.
Curious, how NextPvr is designed to record. For example, while watching an IPTV stream live and recording simultaneously I see a 10 second drop in the IPTV stream then it resumes. I notice the recording stops in response to the dropped stream and never resumes recording. Is v5 suppose to keep trying to reconnect the stream and then start a 2nd recording to finish the same programmed scheduled? Or does it simply drop the recording and leave the user with one partial recording instead of two or more? If the latter I would like to suggest a feature enhancement that would restart the recording so only the time the connection dropped is missing, even if it results in multiple partial recordings for one scheduled program. Hope this is clear.
Is it possible?
Curious, how NextPvr is designed to record. For example, while watching an IPTV stream live and recording simultaneously I see a 10 second drop in the IPTV stream then it resumes. I notice the recording stops in response to the dropped stream and never resumes recording. Is v5 suppose to keep trying to reconnect the stream and then start a 2nd recording to finish the same programmed scheduled? Or does it simply drop the recording and leave the user with one partial recording instead of two or more? If the latter I would like to suggest a feature enhancement that would restart the recording so only the time the connection dropped is missing, even if it results in multiple partial recordings for one scheduled program. Hope this is clear.
Is it possible?