2022-04-26, 12:15 PM
My internet provider also provides IPTV streams as part of their service. Generally these work fine and there is no published limit to the max number of streams. (I have run multiple streams in different instances of VLC without problem).
When using NextPVR hosted in Docker on a QNAP NAS, I am limited to receiving one stream only using the IPTV device. Trying to start a parallel stream fails with a 'Streaming Failed (transcoder exited)' or other error message.
The provider is using multicast, and the m3u file has this structure
#EXTINF:0 tvg-logo="https://api.tv.init7.net/media/logos/Arte_HD.png" tvg-name="ARTE.de" group-title="de", Arte HD
#EXTINF:0 tvg-logo="https://api.tv.init7.net/media/logos/3Sat_HD_7OaGlQ6.png" tvg-name="3sat.at" group-title="de", 3Sat HD
At the moment I have Max Streams set to '3' but have also had it set at '32'.
The Docker container network is set to 'Host' mode.
Maybe I am missing something obvious that a lot of Googling hasn't turned up.
When using NextPVR hosted in Docker on a QNAP NAS, I am limited to receiving one stream only using the IPTV device. Trying to start a parallel stream fails with a 'Streaming Failed (transcoder exited)' or other error message.
The provider is using multicast, and the m3u file has this structure
#EXTINF:0 tvg-logo="https://api.tv.init7.net/media/logos/Arte_HD.png" tvg-name="ARTE.de" group-title="de", Arte HD
#EXTINF:0 tvg-logo="https://api.tv.init7.net/media/logos/3Sat_HD_7OaGlQ6.png" tvg-name="3sat.at" group-title="de", 3Sat HD
At the moment I have Max Streams set to '3' but have also had it set at '32'.
The Docker container network is set to 'Host' mode.
Maybe I am missing something obvious that a lot of Googling hasn't turned up.