2008-11-18, 02:15 AM
mrgtstr Wrote:Thanks...but still didn't help. I have found out something interesting though. If I put under scores where the spaces are it works.The CSI folder and mpg names are created by gbpvr and don't know if I can change the way it does the naming or not. Also it only works when I have this in the batch file. Apparently this creates a loop and goes back to trying to find more .vprj files and would be nice if I could get it to stop but don't have a clue how to do that. Also don't know how to create the code to where if there are spaces in the folders or file names the batch file still can read them or if possible setup gbpvr not to create spaces. One step closer....I think. :confused:
Code:REM This calls a routine that will process the recordings using Videoredo
FOR /R %dir1% %%f IN (*.vprj) DO CALL :adprocessing %%f
Exactly. You are having a long filename problem. Ling filenames can't have spaces unless surrounded by quotes... But if you quote everything, the VideoRedo hates you for it...
You might need a script that tests for spaces and then adds quotes when necessary...
Though that really sounds silly. I don't remember ever having that much trouble when working with my script...
Frank Z
I used to ask 'why?' Now I just reinstall...
Author: ZTools: ZProcess, MVPServerChecker; UltraXMLTV Enhancer, Renamer, Manager; [/SIZE]
I used to ask 'why?' Now I just reinstall...
Author: ZTools: ZProcess, MVPServerChecker; UltraXMLTV Enhancer, Renamer, Manager; [/SIZE]