2011-02-05, 10:43 PM
sub Wrote:Sorry that was the wrong file - here is the correct file.
Thought I would just say that this version of NextPVR has worked brilliantly on my system, thank you. Since applying it on the 30th I've not had to restart the service, or reboot the server/pch once, both of which are left on 24x7 (before it was once every 48hrs'ish). The WAG factor has reached a new high.
I've noticed about 3 occasions over the past week where liveTV has 'hung', which normally would require a service or server restart to fix, but now I just wait a few seconds and it drops back to the guide. I've then been able to start watching the programme again.
Will whatever change you made here be incorporated into future versions of this file?
My thinking is that I'll stop applying future updates as this setup is so stable, but this is offset by the fear of missing feature enhancements (life is tough

Thanks for your efforts sub & martin