2007-08-16, 07:47 AM
Everything was going alright until about an hour into the movie. Then it stopped. The only thing I changed was that i started browsing the net on the server machine. Some logs:
007-08-16 08:18:40.062 VERBOSE [7] Request completed. 200000 bytes sent
2007-08-16 08:18:40.609 VERBOSE [6] mvpVideoDuration: 5295
2007-08-16 08:18:41.421 VERBOSE [6] MVP connection is gone.
2007-08-16 08:18:41.421 VERBOSE [7] MVP media connection recycle requested
2007-08-16 08:18:41.437 VERBOSE [6] MVP Control Thread shutting down....
2007-08-16 08:18:41.531 VERBOSE [6] MVP Control Thread shutdown finished
2007-08-16 08:18:41.593 VERBOSE [3] Received MVP Service Locator request
2007-08-16 08:18:41.953 VERBOSE [7] MVPSendStopRequest()
2007-08-16 08:18:41.953 VERBOSE [6] MVPSendStopRequest()
2007-08-16 08:18:42.390 VERBOSE [3] Parsing MVP Service Locator request
2007-08-16 08:18:42.453 VERBOSE [6] EnableScreenSaver()
2007-08-16 08:18:42.453 VERBOSE [6] getValue cached value: /settings/ScreenSaverEnabled : true
2007-08-16 08:18:42.453 VERBOSE [7] EnableScreenSaver()
2007-08-16 08:18:42.453 VERBOSE [7] getValue cached value: /settings/ScreenSaverEnabled : true
2007-08-16 08:18:42.484 VERBOSE [6] ForceRepaint()
2007-08-16 08:18:42.484 VERBOSE [7] ForceRepaint()
2007-08-16 08:18:42.546 VERBOSE [7] ...ForceRepaint() ignored from streaming thread
2007-08-16 08:18:42.546 VERBOSE [7] MVP Streaming Thread shutting down...
2007-08-16 08:18:42.546 VERBOSE [7] MVP Streaming Thread shutdown finished
2007-08-16 08:18:42.562 VERBOSE [6] UiList.GetRenderList()
2007-08-16 08:18:42.578 VERBOSE [6] selectedIndex = 3 listViewVisibleIndex = 0
2007-08-16 08:18:42.875 VERBOSE [6] LIST: Using cached image
2007-08-16 08:18:42.875 VERBOSE [6] LIST: Using cached image
2007-08-16 08:18:42.875 VERBOSE [6] LIST: Using cached image
2007-08-16 08:18:42.875 VERBOSE [6] LIST: Using cached image
007-08-16 08:18:40.062 VERBOSE [7] Request completed. 200000 bytes sent
2007-08-16 08:18:40.609 VERBOSE [6] mvpVideoDuration: 5295
2007-08-16 08:18:41.421 VERBOSE [6] MVP connection is gone.
2007-08-16 08:18:41.421 VERBOSE [7] MVP media connection recycle requested
2007-08-16 08:18:41.437 VERBOSE [6] MVP Control Thread shutting down....
2007-08-16 08:18:41.531 VERBOSE [6] MVP Control Thread shutdown finished
2007-08-16 08:18:41.593 VERBOSE [3] Received MVP Service Locator request
2007-08-16 08:18:41.953 VERBOSE [7] MVPSendStopRequest()
2007-08-16 08:18:41.953 VERBOSE [6] MVPSendStopRequest()
2007-08-16 08:18:42.390 VERBOSE [3] Parsing MVP Service Locator request
2007-08-16 08:18:42.453 VERBOSE [6] EnableScreenSaver()
2007-08-16 08:18:42.453 VERBOSE [6] getValue cached value: /settings/ScreenSaverEnabled : true
2007-08-16 08:18:42.453 VERBOSE [7] EnableScreenSaver()
2007-08-16 08:18:42.453 VERBOSE [7] getValue cached value: /settings/ScreenSaverEnabled : true
2007-08-16 08:18:42.484 VERBOSE [6] ForceRepaint()
2007-08-16 08:18:42.484 VERBOSE [7] ForceRepaint()
2007-08-16 08:18:42.546 VERBOSE [7] ...ForceRepaint() ignored from streaming thread
2007-08-16 08:18:42.546 VERBOSE [7] MVP Streaming Thread shutting down...
2007-08-16 08:18:42.546 VERBOSE [7] MVP Streaming Thread shutdown finished
2007-08-16 08:18:42.562 VERBOSE [6] UiList.GetRenderList()
2007-08-16 08:18:42.578 VERBOSE [6] selectedIndex = 3 listViewVisibleIndex = 0
2007-08-16 08:18:42.875 VERBOSE [6] LIST: Using cached image
2007-08-16 08:18:42.875 VERBOSE [6] LIST: Using cached image
2007-08-16 08:18:42.875 VERBOSE [6] LIST: Using cached image
2007-08-16 08:18:42.875 VERBOSE [6] LIST: Using cached image