2007-09-30, 11:39 PM
I have been using my Dvico FusionHDTV DVB-T Plus and it's native program for a year or so and finally decided to upgrade to some better software. I installed both MediaPortal and GB-PVR and had an immediate preference for GB-PVR. However I'm having a few difficulties with my Dvico.
Under BDA Device Config if I check the 'Only show devices detected on this machine' I get 'FusionHDTV5 RT Gold (ATSC)' Fiddleing around with that I manged to get an EPG up an running and scan some channels. I have the same problem I've seen other users have that I can only scan the last channel i watched in the Dvico native software, however, I can also only watch the last channel through GB-PVR! And if i reset the computer and run GB-PVR then i just get a whole lot of blank channels until i run the Dvico native software, then i get one
Back to the drawing board I had a look through the forums and found the problem I'd had above. I got onto on Graphedit and changed my BDA.ini
[Dvico Fusion DVB-T PLUS]
FILTER_CAPTURE=FusionHDTV, Transport Stream Capture1
As it turns out this is the same as the FusionHDTV5 RT Gold (ATSC) except for the tuning type being ATSC vice DVB-T.
Unfortunately with the BDA device set to my new Dvico Fusion DVB-T PLUS setting I still get a whole lot of nothing. If i try to 'Map digital channels...' It comes up with the error 'GB-PVR was unable to start the BDA device... check the config...' And If I try to run Live TV it simply fades to black for a second then returns to the main menu. At least with the ATSC i get one channel... sort of!
Any help? I'm In Australia btw. Thanks in Advance!
Under BDA Device Config if I check the 'Only show devices detected on this machine' I get 'FusionHDTV5 RT Gold (ATSC)' Fiddleing around with that I manged to get an EPG up an running and scan some channels. I have the same problem I've seen other users have that I can only scan the last channel i watched in the Dvico native software, however, I can also only watch the last channel through GB-PVR! And if i reset the computer and run GB-PVR then i just get a whole lot of blank channels until i run the Dvico native software, then i get one

Back to the drawing board I had a look through the forums and found the problem I'd had above. I got onto on Graphedit and changed my BDA.ini
[Dvico Fusion DVB-T PLUS]
FILTER_CAPTURE=FusionHDTV, Transport Stream Capture1
As it turns out this is the same as the FusionHDTV5 RT Gold (ATSC) except for the tuning type being ATSC vice DVB-T.
Unfortunately with the BDA device set to my new Dvico Fusion DVB-T PLUS setting I still get a whole lot of nothing. If i try to 'Map digital channels...' It comes up with the error 'GB-PVR was unable to start the BDA device... check the config...' And If I try to run Live TV it simply fades to black for a second then returns to the main menu. At least with the ATSC i get one channel... sort of!
Any help? I'm In Australia btw. Thanks in Advance!