2023-01-21, 02:47 PM
(2023-01-21, 03:39 AM)mvallevand Wrote: Only by editing config.xml https://forums.nextpvr.com/showthread.ph...#pid558962
Ok I went in and changed the <password> and <pinMD5> tags to be what you had in that link but it's still not letting me in. I also tried changing <AutoAuthLocalConnections> to true but that didn't help either. I also started from scratch in the sense that I dragged over the config.xml and npvr.db3 files from v4 a second time in the hopes I would have reset whatever I screwed up but that made things worse and v6 stopped working all together. I give up. I uninstalled v6 and got v4 working again. The audio issue was never resolved when I upgraded, so I'm going to stop banging my head trying to get all this to work. Thanks for your time, I appreciate it.