2008-06-08, 07:11 PM
Running --configure produces this error.
- Despite multiple echo on's and so forth, I have been unable to see which line is producing the error.
- Having updated the gbpvr config to use the xmltv plugin and created updateepg.bat, same result.
- Running the updateepg.bat file manually produced results. It's failing at the 2nd last line of I-xmltv.bat, 'IF %EmptyEPG% == 1 gbpvr -OnlyEmptyEPG'.
- And it's right ... gbpvr.exe doesn't exist.
By the way, the 3rd last line:
Needs to be:
"IF EXIST .\.xmltv\%GRABBER%.conf GOTO Incremental:"
Needs to be:
"IF EXIST %HOME%\.xmltv\%GRABBER%.conf GOTO Incremental:"
What should 'gbpvr' be in the line above? pvrx2? (Line above 'start config' when I right-click the gb-pvr icon in the system tray?
- Despite multiple echo on's and so forth, I have been unable to see which line is producing the error.
- Having updated the gbpvr config to use the xmltv plugin and created updateepg.bat, same result.
- Running the updateepg.bat file manually produced results. It's failing at the 2nd last line of I-xmltv.bat, 'IF %EmptyEPG% == 1 gbpvr -OnlyEmptyEPG'.
- And it's right ... gbpvr.exe doesn't exist.
By the way, the 3rd last line:
Needs to be:
"IF EXIST .\.xmltv\%GRABBER%.conf GOTO Incremental:"
Needs to be:
"IF EXIST %HOME%\.xmltv\%GRABBER%.conf GOTO Incremental:"
What should 'gbpvr' be in the line above? pvrx2? (Line above 'start config' when I right-click the gb-pvr icon in the system tray?