2010-04-18, 04:05 PM
Note: I know this thread is long so in short, I can get PVRx2 to blast just fine but not the service, service logs on as me. I'm also offering a clean profile to be added to the project or anyone that wants it.
Hello! I'm having issues and I'm very excited as well.
I have just made a media box with Vista Ultimate and I moved all my stuff from XP, GBPvr was a move/upgrade from xp by copying over my database and config file. It seemed to retain everything and I have modified what needs to be. This is not the issue.
Before I get to the issue I'd like give something, I will attach the dat file I have made for my box, whats different about this profile is that it is not a learned profile. I saw that the codes for the Uirt are pronto hex so I took my hex file and made a file of my own. The advantage is that its a heck of a lot more accurate and it is what the remote sends. I made the hex file via help of people at remotecentral.com to learn what maker, model, family etc the remote is then generate the pronto hex. When I use these codes instead of learned codes there are no stability issues. The box is for U-verse the VIP 1200 boxes, so far the services only has one remote for all its boxes.
The issue is that no matter what I use I can't get the serivce to blast codes. I have been using hipsend for a couple of years now to do it and I went though a few hellish days trying to get hip to blast to my MCE box via the originoal driver or the replacment, neither worked. Then I wen though a bad night trying to get hip to consistantly send from my USB Uirt to my box, this is where I began testing GBPvr's sending in vista.
I discovered that hipsend was working in Pvrx2 but not by the serive. I searched here and I was (am) trying to get net2hipsend to work when I saw that there are more internal plugins. I switched to the internal USB Uirt plugin and it works again in Pvrx2 but not the serivce
I have a question and a request. As i could make my own Uirt profile because its pronto hex is there a way to convert the pronto hex into the format of the MCE profiles?
My request is for a feature of the internal blaster to send a command before the channel with a configurable delay. The U-Verse boxes are an IPTV box and to stop a drain on the network they shut off the boxes after 8 hours of sitting. So I need to blast a command before sending channels to make sure its on, however somtimes if you blast on then channel change too quickly the boxes get dumb and go back to the sleep screen.
config Please note
UAC is tured now (if you use a PVR 350 or any hauppauge Mpeg2 PVR and your recordings are nutty huge and don't function just give up and turn UAC off) So there is no virtualstore to worry about or permissions.
GBPVR Recording Service is running as my account which is administrator, so defautly it can access the desktop and has all my rights.
GBPvr is installed in to program files but that shouldn't be an issue with UAC off.
Support info
GBPvr version: 1.4.7
OS: Windows Vista Ultimate (UAC off)
Plugin: No plugins besides the default.
Hello! I'm having issues and I'm very excited as well.
I have just made a media box with Vista Ultimate and I moved all my stuff from XP, GBPvr was a move/upgrade from xp by copying over my database and config file. It seemed to retain everything and I have modified what needs to be. This is not the issue.
Before I get to the issue I'd like give something, I will attach the dat file I have made for my box, whats different about this profile is that it is not a learned profile. I saw that the codes for the Uirt are pronto hex so I took my hex file and made a file of my own. The advantage is that its a heck of a lot more accurate and it is what the remote sends. I made the hex file via help of people at remotecentral.com to learn what maker, model, family etc the remote is then generate the pronto hex. When I use these codes instead of learned codes there are no stability issues. The box is for U-verse the VIP 1200 boxes, so far the services only has one remote for all its boxes.
The issue is that no matter what I use I can't get the serivce to blast codes. I have been using hipsend for a couple of years now to do it and I went though a few hellish days trying to get hip to blast to my MCE box via the originoal driver or the replacment, neither worked. Then I wen though a bad night trying to get hip to consistantly send from my USB Uirt to my box, this is where I began testing GBPvr's sending in vista.
I discovered that hipsend was working in Pvrx2 but not by the serive. I searched here and I was (am) trying to get net2hipsend to work when I saw that there are more internal plugins. I switched to the internal USB Uirt plugin and it works again in Pvrx2 but not the serivce
I have a question and a request. As i could make my own Uirt profile because its pronto hex is there a way to convert the pronto hex into the format of the MCE profiles?
My request is for a feature of the internal blaster to send a command before the channel with a configurable delay. The U-Verse boxes are an IPTV box and to stop a drain on the network they shut off the boxes after 8 hours of sitting. So I need to blast a command before sending channels to make sure its on, however somtimes if you blast on then channel change too quickly the boxes get dumb and go back to the sleep screen.
config Please note
UAC is tured now (if you use a PVR 350 or any hauppauge Mpeg2 PVR and your recordings are nutty huge and don't function just give up and turn UAC off) So there is no virtualstore to worry about or permissions.
GBPVR Recording Service is running as my account which is administrator, so defautly it can access the desktop and has all my rights.
GBPvr is installed in to program files but that shouldn't be an issue with UAC off.
Support info
GBPvr version: 1.4.7
OS: Windows Vista Ultimate (UAC off)
Plugin: No plugins besides the default.