2008-05-29, 04:36 AM
JavaWiz Wrote:The old compiled version will not work with the new DLL. The signature of that method changed, it now returns a boolean, in old SearchWiz and old AnimeLibrary compiles, a void was expected. Newly compiled plugine versions that reference v1.0.16.1+ of WizUiHelper.DLL should work fine.
BTW: in the WizTools thread, there is a new version that should fix your Watched eyecatcher issue with the list element.
Just picked up and tried out the new version with the Watched icon fixed, everything looks good there. Are no other issues with the UILibrary that I've been able to find so far. I'm just checked the bits where I do some creative removing of elements and rebuilding of the list and everything worked fine.
As for the boolean / void signature change, once you're happy with the WizUiHelper.dll changes, I'll put together a new release of the plugin compiled against that version and get it available. That should at least take care of it going forward.