2020-05-13, 08:50 PM
Can see in the db it doesn't add the sub-title for movies.
Data from schedulesdirect shows this
Quote from the guy at guide2go who fixed this on github
Data from schedulesdirect shows this
<programme channel="guide2go.49611.schedulesdirect.org" start="20200513213000 +0000" stop="20200513233000 +0000">
<title lang="en">The 'Burbs</title>
<sub-title lang="en-GB">A man and some neighbours try to prove their theory that a new family are part of a murderous cult.</sub-title>
<desc lang="en-GB">An overstressed husband becomes obsessed with finding out the secret of his mysterious new neighbours. Concocting a series of increasingly outlandish schemes to discover the truth about the weird sounds he hears coming from the basement next door, the man settles on the theory that the family are a front for a cannibalistic cult.</desc>
<category lang="en">Comedy</category>
<episode-num system="dd_progid">MV00286782.0000</episode-num>
<icon src="https://schedulesdirect-api20141201.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/assets/p11474_v_h10_aa.jpg" height="1080" width="1920"></icon>
<previously-shown start=""></previously-shown>
Quote:That makes sense. There are three key words in SD that are evaluated.I looked at the code from the old version, where Description100 was used for the subtitle if there was no EpisodeTitle.
- EpisodeTitle (Used for the SubTitle)
- Description100 (Not used)
- Description1000 (Used for the Description)