2005-09-13, 07:23 AM
Hello. I am trying to get GBPVR working using a MediaMVP. The MVP is working with the default software, but not GBPVR. GBPVR is working fine with the PC as a client. I have started the MVP client part of GBPVR. Is there anything else I need to do? Do I need to be running a local DHCP server or anything like that? What log file should I be looking for? The MVP hangs where it says COntacting MediaMVP BootServer for a while, then goes back to Contacting DHCP server, then back to BootServer...
PS Maybe this should have gone to the MVP forum.. opps, can anyone move it to the proper forum?
PS Maybe this should have gone to the MVP forum.. opps, can anyone move it to the proper forum?